

Once you have a study marked in your Bible, you should memorize the first text. That way you will be able to find it easier. But don't stop there! If you do, you will miss out on a great blessing! If you have not read the texts in the Benefits of Memorization study, you will want to do so now.

The Waldenses, by the age of twelve, knew a hundred chapters of the Bible by memory! Can you recite even 100 verses? By the time they graduated from college, they knew the entire New Testament, as well as large portions of the Old, by memory. I'm not saying that you should equal them, but at least you should put God's word in your mind, for it will fortify you against temptation. See Psalm 119:11.

Some people enjoy memorizing single verses, while others prefer to memorize whole chapters. I do some of both. For those interested in chapters, Young Disciple has bookmarks available that utilize the initial method. One one side the text is printed out. On the other, the first letter of each word is printed. This functions as a stepping stone in the process of memorizing. I rarely mrmorize without it anymore. They also have the entire Bible available in this format (a paperback). Check it out!

If you would like to make your own printouts, I have a program available that will make files with the first letter of each word in another file. For more information, click here

All the main studies in "The Hope Within You" series that Young Disciple printed a few years ago are also made in bookmark format, so that you can memorize all the texts in the studies.

I would encourage you to hide God's Word in your heart. You won't regret it!

This page was last modified: August 23, 2001