What Was Accomplished at the Cross?
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Study name What Was Accomplished at the Cross?
Study code WAC
Romans 5:10 (1) We were reconciled to God.
Hebrews 2:13 We are brought back to our Father's house.
Micah 7:18 (2) God showed how much He abhors sin.
Mark 2:10 (3) Jesus earned the right to forgive our sins.
* 1 John 1:7 But to obtain forgiveness, we must give our consent.
2 Corinthians 5:15 (4) To give us the choice to serve Him out of love.
Romans 5:6–8 (5) He took our place, paid the penalty of the second death that we deserve.
John 17:3–4 (6) Jesus came to show us His Father. He justified God, His laws, and His government, before the whole universe.
Philippians 2:6–8 (7) He demonstrated that the Godhead was humble and willing to serve.
Isaiah 53:3–5 (8) He proved that God was willing to endure anything to save the ones He loved.
Hebrews 5:8 (9) He demonstrated obedience to the point of death.
Luke 23:31 (10) Those who do not accept Jesus' death for their sins will experience hell and the second death.
Matthew 5:17–18 (11) He fulfilled the demands of the law, thereby vindicating the law.
Psalm 85:10 (12) He demonstrated the righteousness and mercy of God.
John 13:1 (13) That He loved us more than He loved Himself.
Romans 5:8–9 Don't you want to join them in praising Jesus for what He has shown us by His death?
Romans 7:9–10 You can, if you will.

* This text is used in more than one study

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